Over the holidays I was in New Jersey, and after a few weeks in the cold (and after the first time it snowed and I had to clear off my car) I threw in the towel and decided to hibernate for the rest of the winter in Australia. I’ve never been a fan of the cold, (despite growing up in the northeast,) hence why I moved to North Carolina. After working from here the last 6 weeks and visiting both coasts, I realize that every time I am on the water I am at peace and just innately happy, no matter what is going on externally.
I am a Cancer, which is a water sign, so it’s no surprise being on the water is my happy place. But whether you follow astrology or not, this inspired me to provide some education around the different Feng Shui signs and how we can incorporate them to add more peace and positive energy into our lives.
So before we get into the elements, what is Feng Shui?
While we may gravitate towards one more than others, it is possible to integrate a little bit of all the elements into our physical spaces in order to promote feelings of peace and tranquility.Here are some ways to do that:
Wood- This signals growth so look at adding a living being like a plant or flowers into your space, or you can incorporate something made of bamboo.
Fire– Cozy up near a fire; Light candles in your home.
- Think about the elements you feel most attracted to and incorporate them into your work space (i.e.- candles, pictures of the outdoors, a framed picture of you at the beach or a water bottle next to your computer).
- Use plants to bring in elements of nature and grounding.
- Can you incorporate more natural light into your space? Its best to have multiple light sources of different warmth levels. Cool light is more energizing and is better for analytical thinking and work that requires concentration, while warm light is more relaxing and better for creative thinking. Warm light (overhead or lamps) is better for the morning and late afternoon while cool light is better to utilize in the middle of the day.
- Use art to add inspiration to your space. Pick things that uplift you or make you smile.
- Remove clutter! Clutter causes stagnation of energy in all areas of your life (and stagnation of energy leads to more clutter). Start by removing paper clutter, and spending 5 minutes at the end of the day to organize your work space so it’s clean for the following day.
- Clear your energy- One way to do this is diffusing essential oils, just make sure they are pure oils. My recommendation is a brand like doTerra– https://www.
doterra.com/US/en/site/ 10660239). You could also use sage or palo santo to energetically cleanse your space.
Hope you try and add a few of these tips to bring more positive energy into your home and work space to get through the winter slump!