Recently, I was dog sitting, and it reminded me of the pure joy animals can bring to our lives (If you’re an animal person that is, which I think most of us can appreciate even if we aren’t directly pet owners).
The life of an animal is so simple. In this case dogs just need to be fed, taken for walks, and shown affection. Think about it, they spend their days eating, sleeping and going for walks, living a simple life.
So it got me thinking…what if we dial back our busy, complicated lives and lived more like a dog? It sounds silly, but think about it… what if you prioritized the food you eat, getting enough sleep and going for walks? How simple would that be?
The one extra component would be the unconditional love. Many of us probably grew up with strained relationships, whether that be with parents, teachers or peers. On the contrary, when you come home, whether it be a tough day or a good day, your dog is eager to see you, jump on you and give you unconditional love.
So ‘where am I going with this’ you might ask?
I will give you two bones to chew on (I know, I couldn’t help myself working in a dog pun).
1. Can you challenge yourself to live the simple life? Turn off the noise and prioritize:
1) Sleep
2) The food you’re consuming
3) Walking outside
Try concentrating on taking care of yourself in those 3 ways and see if it makes any change in your life or if you feel any different.
2. How can you love more unconditionally?
Whether that be being kind to a stranger, being nice to someone after they’ve hurt your feelings or were rude, mending a relationship that is on the rocks, etc.
Let’s live like dogs in these ways and bring about more happiness and unconditional love into our lives.
Author: Georgia Homsany is the owner of DAILY DOSE Wellness, author of “You’re Not Lazy- Change Your Words to Change Your Worth” and a mental health & wellness speaker.