Happy July all! We are halfway thru the year and it’s also my birthday month which I am super excited about 🙂
I thought this would be a good month to check-in with how we’re doing so far in 2024, and set any intentions for the remainder of the year. Often we set goals in January and neglect to look back on them. So, today, I ask you some questions to reflect on:
- What goals have you accomplished so far that you set out to do this year? Make sure you are celebrating the wins and not just letting these wins go unnoticed before moving onto the next.
- What are some goals you’re okay letting go of or need to modify? Things don’t need to be set in stone. Perhaps having some time to work on these goals has provided you with a more feasible timeline you can adjust for.
- Who’s someone you can connect with? Perhaps it’s someone that’s been on your “to do list” for awhile, or it could be a recent SHRM connection. Humans thrive on human connection, so even if you are feeling more introverted, choose 1 person to connect with this month, whether that be a new acquaintance or an old friend you’ve lost touch with.
- How are you feeling at work? Are you continuously taking things on without managing your manager? Yes, that’s right, I said managing your manager. Managers may add responsibility to your plate when you are maxed out (especially when you are down employees). It’s up to you to be your own advocate and speak up when you need help. It’s okay to tell them you can only manage x,y,z in a day so you’d like their help prioritizing projects based on importance.
- For the business owners out there, are you managing yourself? I know that I personally am guilty of letting this slide and then feeling disorganized or overwhelmed often. Treat yourself like an employee and have check-ins with yourself to evaluate what you’d like to be doing differently to optimize your day. You can even consider getting a mentor or accountability partner if you don’t already have one.
- How are you feeling personally? Are there more things you can say “No” to? Take a look at your social calendar and see if all the things you’re participating to bring you joy. Is there something you dread going to each week/month? Opt out for the next few months and see how that feels.
Is there an activity you dread that you can outsource like hiring someone to clean your home, or ordering meal delivery services so you don’t have to think up dinner ideas? Sometimes giving yourself the gift of time and peace of mind is worth the cost!
Above all, get into the habit of checking-in with yourself since we often are looking after others first. I will pass on a tip from author James Clear who wrote Atomic Habits…James says to pair a new habit with an existing one so it’s easy to remember. Take something like brushing your teeth at night and pair it with your daily check-in. Ask yourself- ‘How was my day today? What words of wisdom or positivity can I tell myself to end the day on a good note and start fresh tomorrow?’
Ending your day with gratitude and positivity can even improve your sleep because it puts us into a positive headspace before bed!
Connect with me on social @Georgia Homsany and let me know which of these resonated with you and any wellness tips you’re working on!