3 tips to help put yourself first to feel more relaxed this season Oh, the holidays. A time for good food, lights, decor, and quality time with family. Although perhaps you don’t share the same sentiment? When you think of the holidays, do you think more about hosting and needing to clean your home, the…

Forming Habits

Ever create a resolution or tell yourself you’re going to start doing something, only to give up after a few days? Perhaps it was too difficult, or life got in the way. Research shows that when people make New Year’s resolutions for example, less than 20% stick with their goals. Even more interesting though, is research also shows…

Mid-Year Check-In

Happy July all! We are halfway thru the year and it’s also my birthday month which I am super excited about 🙂 I thought this would be a good month to check-in with how we’re doing so far in 2024, and set any intentions for the remainder of the year. Often we set goals in…

June is National Employee Wellness Month

Did you know June is National Employee Wellness Month? During the month of June, employers are encouraged to prioritize the physical, mental and emotional well-being of their staff. Workplace Wellness is essential to providing a supportive and inclusive environment for employees to thrive in and has long-term effects on ROI.   As an HR Manager, how can you foster workplace wellness for yourself and your employees? 5…


As I was thinking about what to focus on in this month’s blog, it was obvious that February reminds many of us of Valentine’s Day. While some feel it’s a “Hallmark holiday” and we should be expressing our love to loved ones every day, do we think about expressing love to ourselves every day?   I often…