Wellness Corner: August is National Wellness Month
by Georgia Homsany, RMSHRM Communications Committee, Founder & CEO of Daily Dose Wellness
August marks National Wellness Month — a time to reflect on how we are doing mentally, physically, and emotionally. So often when we think of health and well-being, exercise and diet are at the forefront. However, there is so much more to our health than what we are consuming and the amount of exercise we are receiving. Check-in on these different aspects to make sure other areas of your well-being are accounted for:
Has your mood changed lately? This could be positive or negative. While we saw many people struggle emotionally and mentally due to the anxiousness and isolation brought on by the pandemic, some may be feeling hopeful with things opening back up and establishing more normalcy than we’ve had in the past.
Others may still be struggling with things such as leaving a job, or the added stressors of being responsible for finding new talent. The important thing to know is 1) you are not alone, and much of the population is experiencing these same stressors and concerns, and 2) challenging times like these will pass. It always does, but unfortunately, it requires us to be patient and knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Another thing that can help make us feel good mentally and emotionally, is checking in with others. So often just saying hello to a stranger or asking someone how they are doing, not only brightens their day, but it makes us feel equally as good. This also takes the focus off of ourselves allowing us to contribute outwardly.
Finances are one of the greatest stressors people face, and this may have been exacerbated in the last 18 months given the uncertainty of things going on in our lives, jobs, and the world. Have you checked in on your finances? Are you able to live within your means comfortably? Have you accumulated more debt recently? Understanding where you are and taking advantage of resources, such as seeking a free consult from a financial advisor, can be helpful.
Many of us are getting back into the swing of feeling physically fit again. The re-opening of gyms, as well as the warm months, have allowed us to be active once again. However, one thing worth noting is the pandemic brought a rise in alcohol and substance abuse. Do you find you’re consuming more alcohol or other vices that may not be suiting you? The first thing to do is to be mindful and check-in with yourself to see how this makes you feel. Perhaps scaling back some of these behaviors will allow you to feel in control and put forth more energy into healthier behaviors you want to adopt or reinstate.
What other ways can you check in with yourself or others? Jot down a handful of ways you’d like to address the different aspects of your health for National Wellness Month.
This article was written by Georgia Homsany, owner of Daily Dose Wellness, a corporate wellness company based in Raleigh, NC.